TITANS - Episode 13


Williams Global Enterprises

Heather and Gwen are in an elevator and Heather says that Jack told her everything about their night together.

"He told you nothing."
"What am I? Clairvoyant?"
"No, you're playing a nasty little game Heather. You're a dealer and your drug of choice is gossip."
"You're a woman, period. You have needs, period."
"You destroy peoples' lives, period. I want you to stay out of my life, out of my childrens' lives and out of Jack's life."
"You don't have that power."

The elevator door opens and Gwen blocks it with her arm, trapping Heather. "Watch me...period." She says menacingly.



The family are gathered for dinner. Laurie tells Jennie it is too bad that David couldn't show. Faith compliments Ethan and says he looks hot. Ethan leans over and tells Jack the communication thing worked awesome.

"I thought it might."
"Thanks dude."
"You're welcome dude."

Gwen speaks up and asks why they are there. Peter and Samantha announce they are getting married.
Jennie jumps up with a wine glass. "Toast!" She exclaims. The family stare at her. "It's ginger ale!"

Everybody laughs nervously and toast as Maureen approaches the table. She congratulates Samantha and leaves. Samantha asks Peter who she was, but Peter says he has no idea.


Pulse Club

Sky arrives to see David who threatens to sue him. One of the waitresses was injured in the riot and he gets aggressive.

"Back off Dundee! You were going to put the band's performance on the net."

David denies this but Sky says Jennie told him the whole story. If David sues him, he'll put Jennie up before the judge and find out who was really lying.


Williams Mansion

Heather is in bed with Chandler and has another flashback. She is crawling across the floor with a phone as a man smashes a light and corners her saying, "Sorry, wrong number."

Heather wakes up, breathing heavily and gets out of bed. The phone rings and she answers it.

"Sorry, wrong answer." A sinister voice replies. Gasping, Heather drops the phone to the floor.
"No! Not again!"



Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

